Frequently Asked Questions

Will Mayday delete events in my calendar?

No. Only you can delete events. You can decide to manually delete any events in Mayday in the same way you would with any other calendar software. But Mayday will never delete items from your calendar without you being involved.

Does Mayday change or modify events in my calendar?

No. Only you can change or modify your events. You can manually modify any events in Mayday in the same way you would with any other calendar software. But Mayday will never make changes without you being involved.

Does Mayday change my RSVP status to event invites in my calendar?

No. Users can decide to change their RSVP status via Mayday and have this new status reflected to other attendees on a given invite, but Mayday will not change your RSVP status without your consent. You will always have the option to opt-in/opt-out of any meeting invite that you receive.

Does Mayday read all of the content in my calendar to sell me advertisements?

No. We do not sell your data to advertising/marketing agencies or to any other third party. Your data belongs to you and we respect that.

How does Mayday make money?

We don't! At least not today. But we definitely plan to in the near future. Users that join Mayday today can use it for free, but in the future certain features will only be available to users that pay a monthly subscription fee. There won't be any surprises though, we'll keep everyone up to date as our plans here evolve.

How do I remove a linked calendar from my Mayday account?

You can disconnect a calendar from your Mayday account at any time via Settings. If you wish to disconnect all calendars and to purge your data from the application, you can delete your account via Settings and all of your data will be removed.

Does Mayday work with all types of calendars?

Not yet. Currently, Mayday only supports Google Calendar accounts. However, Microsoft Outlook and Apple iCal support are coming soon!

Does Mayday work on Android devices and Windows PCs?

Not yet. Currently, Mayday is only available on Apple iOS and macOS. But Android support and Windows PC support are coming soon!

How do I add/remove my Zoom account in Mayday?

You can integrate your Zoom account with your Mayday account to send/manage events with Zoom conference links. To connect your Zoom account to Mayday:

  1. Login to your Mayday Account
  2. Click Settings > Connected Accounts > Add account > Zoom
  3. Sign in to your Zoom Account

If you wish to remove your Zoom account at any time:

  1. Login to your Mayday Account
  2. Click Settings > Connected Accounts > Zoom Account
  3. Scroll to the bottom of your Zoom account settings and click Remove account from Mayday > Remove

How do I use my Zoom account in Mayday?

Once your Zoom account is connected to your Mayday account you can manage your Zoom conference link settings and add Zoom conference links to your events.

To manage your Zoom conference link settings:

  1. Login to your Mayday Account
  2. Click Settings > Connected Accounts > Zoom Account
  3. Make any changes required to your Zoom Conference Default Settings (including: Meeting ID, Waiting Room, Host Video, Participant Video, Mute on Entry, and Enable Join Before Host). Any changes will save immediately, but note that these changes will only apply to new conference links created after the changes have been made.

To add a Zoom conference link to a calendar invite:

  1. Create a New Event (or open and edit an existing event that you previously created)
  2. Click Add Conferencing > Add Zoom
  3. Click Schedule

Need more help?

Send us an email anytime at [email protected]